Research on the Aviation Industry
Oxford Research Baltics have been commissioned to conduct several studie for Latvian Aviation Association. The most interesting ones have been two: the first one was on the Impact of Covid 19 on the Aviation Industry and the second one was on the Impact of Aviation Industry on Country (Latvia) Economy and calculation of a multiplier effect.
The first project was also covering the role of aviation transport on spreading of Covid 19. The thorough analysis clearly proved that aviation was the safest mean of transportation with very low impact on virus spreading. This conclusion was taken into account by the Latvian Ministry of Transport to whom the findings were presented. After the presentation the Ministry convinced the government to loosen the restrictions on the aviation industry and allow air travel again. For Oxford Research Baltics this was really a very significant moment when we clearly see the use of our research and impact on the country level. The second project for aviation industry was aimed to conduct a more detailed analysis of the role of the industry in the economy of the country. Usually the role of aviation industry is described as part of GDP and/or the total added value. However, the total impact of the aviation industry is much higher but more difficult to calculate. Despite those difficulties Oxford Research Experts in co-operation with (provider of live company data) developed a new methodology for calculation of the multiplier effect. The methodology included the data that previously were omitted in such calculations e.g. depreciation. When the model was finalised, and the calculations made it was concluded with higher accuracy that every EUR of added value in the aviation industry brings in to the country at least 3 EUR of additional added value.
For more information contact Aivars Timofejevs CEO of Oxford Research Baltics,